Eat Local Challenge Starter Kits
Getting ready for the Eat Local Challenge September 14-20?
Wondering how to get those hard-to-find staples of the Localvore pantry?
We’ll make it easy for you by providing a ready-made Localvore Starter Kit.
This year's kit contains:
Whole wheat flour
Wheat berries
Dried beans
Cider vinegar
Sunflower oil
Rolled oats
Dried cranberries
Maine Sea Salt
All of these highly sought after and hard to find items are in an organic cotton grocery tote with Localvore logo. The starter kit makes a great gift- for a friend or treat yourself!
Cost: $30.00
Kits will be available for pick-up the first week of September--pick up at Yestermorrow Design/Build School (directions) or at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday, September 15th.
To order:
E-mail Kate Stephenson or call her at 225-8933 with your name and phone number, or call her at 225-8933. Send your check for $30.00 to: MRV Localvore Project, c/o Kate Stephenson, 61 Prospect St, Montpelier, VT 05602. Quantities are limited so please order early to ensure availability - last year we sold out very quickly!!!